May 28, 2020 | Defense Base Act, Workplace Injury
You’re doing your job by helping to power the railways when you slip and fall. This results in a head injury which develops into a more serious problem later on. This is only one occupational injury that railroad workers face every day. If you’re new to the job, don’t...
May 21, 2020 | Automobile Accident
Are you usually a distracted driver, but trying to be less of one? It’s a good idea to know the different types of distractions you can come across when driving so that you can learn how to avoid them. Distracted driving can be dangerous and even deadly. Stop...
May 14, 2020 | Personal Injury
If you’re involved in a personal injury case, there are a lot of different things to get your head around, from hiring your lawyer to going to court. In this article, we’ll be focusing on an important part of the journey: the discovery process. You need to...
May 7, 2020 | Defense Base Act
COVID-19 has shut down the economy. People are out of work and desperately looking for jobs to pay for basic necessities such as rent and food. Everyone is affected by COVID-19, especially government contractors who often work with businesses to stay...