Top 5 Reasons To Hire A Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Top 5 Reasons To Hire A Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Dec 14, 2017 | Automobile Accident

Don’t think a motorcycle accident can happen to you? In 2016, there were 8,967 motorcycle accidents in Texas.

If you are in a motorcycle accident, it is to your benefit to contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

Even if you appear to be uninjured at first, getting a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer is still a safe decision, as they can help you navigate an often complex journey toward recovery and resolution.

Still not convinced? Here are the top 5 reasons to hire a lawyer with experience to handle the aftermath of motorcycle accidents in Houston.

1. Skills and Knowledge

Like any professional service provider, each lawyer has areas of expertise. When you have the right motorcycle accident lawyer at your side, you can be confident they have the right skills to advise and represent you.

They also have knowledge of local and state laws, regulations, and practices that affect your case. Part of their role is to protect your rights and interests, especially if there’s a risk of your rights and interests being potentially ignored.

2. Insurance Negotiation

Experience with motorcycle accidents gives lawyers a solid understanding of the insurance system.

They can advise you on what information is critical in the eyes of the insurer, and will advise you on the pros and cons of accepting any settlement claims.

Better still, they understand your key points of leverage for negotiating a fair settlement and can act on your behalf.

3. Guidance

After a motorcycle accident, you need to manage multiple processes with police, witnesses, other parties, the healthcare system, and insurance providers.

Who should you talk to? Who shouldn’t you talk to without legal representation at hand? Do you need to wait until a police report is final before making an insurance claim? What if another party involved in the accident wants to cut a deal “off the books”?

These are only a few of the many questions that can pop up in the hours, days, weeks, and months after an accident. It can be an overwhelming time, particularly if you are dealing with physical or mental injuries from the accident.

A good Houston motorcycle accident lawyer can guide you through all the processes.

4. Research

In any motorcycle accident case, evidence needs to be collected and evaluated. Research into the legalities around unique circumstances may be necessary. Often times, gaining an understanding of other parties involved in the accident is beneficial.

A reliable motorcycle accident lawyer can take care of all that and more. By allowing your attorney to take care of research, you save time and energy. More importantly, you will get better results than if you tried to do it all yourself.

5. Help With Paperwork

Accidents create paperwork. And the more serious the accident, the more paperwork there is.

With an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in your corner, you can focus on your recovery, not on filling out forms.

They are also familiar with much of the bureaucracy connected to accidents. It is easier and more effective for them to complete the paperwork and then help you understand it all before signing.

Closing Thought on Hiring a Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If we had to boil it down to two reasons to hire a Houston motorcycle accident lawyer, they would be:

  • Increased chances of fair settlement, compensation, and treatment
  • Reduced stress

At Barnes Law Firm, our goal is to protect your rights while getting you the best possible resolution to an unfortunate incident.

Contact us today for a free consultation with a skilled attorney! Se habla espanol.