Top 3 Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer Before Hiring

Top 3 Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer Before Hiring

Aug 8, 2018 | Personal Injury

Have you been injured in a slip and fall or automobile accident?

Besides missing time from school or work, you may be dealing with persistent pain that is impacting other aspects of your daily life.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were almost 6,700 people injured each day in 2015 in automobile accidents across the United States.

Being injured in a car accident or as a result of a slip and fall can be a scary time in your life. You may be seeking a way to recover the cost of expensive medical bills or lost work wages.

Read on to learn the top 3 questions to ask a personal injury lawyer before hiring them!

1. Do You Have Experience Representing the Plaintiff in a Personal Injury Case?

It’s important that the attorney you choose to represent you has experience representing the Plaintiff in these types of cases.

Personal injury cases are unique because there are legal and medical elements to them. That’s because there will be legal issues like how a defendant breached a legal duty and injured you.

But there will also be the medical side of the case – which is where the main portion of your damages may be established. With well-rounded experience in this area of the law, your attorney can competently represent your interests.

2. Will You Be the One Handling My Case?

One of the questions to ask a personal injury attorney is if they will be the one who is personally handling your case.

Sometimes at law firms, the attorney you speak with about your claim may not be the one that is handling it after you walk out the door.

Depending on the nature of your claim, the file could be assigned to an associate or paralegal who has the primary case handling responsibilities. This might not be the way you want your case to be managed by that firm.

To make sure that your interests are best protected, ask your lawyer if he or she will be the one handling your case at all times.

3. What Makes You the Right Lawyer for My Case?

You should ask a prospective attorney what makes him or her the right lawyer for your case.

This is a great question because it will force a lawyer to explain what makes he or she different from other attorneys. It will also give you a chance to see they are able to respond to a non-legal question.

For example, your lawyer should be willing and able to communicate with you regularly about the status of your case. This way, you are kept aware of the litigation process and do not miss out on important information.

Wrapping Up: Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer

There are many questions to ask a personal injury lawyer before you decide to retain them to handle your case.

By thinking about these questions before you speak to an attorney, you will be better prepared to learn more about them and make the most of your initial consultation.

At the Barnes Law Firm, we are an experienced team of trial lawyers that represent victims injured because of the negligent actions of other people.

Contact us today to learn more about our legal services and what makes our firm different!