Maritime Law: A Look Into Maritime Claims

Maritime Law: A Look Into Maritime Claims

Nov 3, 2022 | Maritime Law

Did you know that 124,000 Americans, including 80,000 vessel crew members, directly rely on maritime trade for their livelihoods?

You’re injured, and you need to find a lawyer who can help you file a maritime claim. Maritime law is complex, and if you’re not familiar with it, you may not know where to start when filing a claim.

Keep reading to learn more about maritime law and how a lawyer can help you file a claim. We’ll also provide tips on finding the right lawyer for your case.

What Is Maritime Law?

Maritime law is a body of laws that govern shipping and navigation. This includes both international and domestic shipping. Maritime law covers a wide range of topics, including passenger rights, shipwrecks, pollution, and more.

If you’re injured while working on a vessel, you may be able to file a maritime claim under one of these areas of maritime law.

Who Is Covered Under Maritime Law?

Maritime law covers a wide range of people. They include:

  • Sailors
  • Fishermen
  • Longshoremen
  • Cruise ship workers
  • Oil rig workers

If you work in any of these industries and you’re injured while working, you may be able to file a maritime claim. Maritime law also covers injuries that happen while you’re on a vessel, even if you’re not working.

For example, if you’re a passenger on a ferry and you’re injured in an accident, you may be able to file a maritime claim.

What Is a Maritime Claim?

A maritime claim is a legal claim filed under maritime law. If you’re injured while working on a vessel, you may be able to file a maritime claim against your employer.

Maritime claims can be complex, so it’s important to work with a lawyer who has experience handling these types of cases.

What Are Some Common Types of Maritime Claims?

There are many different types of maritime claims. But some of the most common include:

  • Jones Act claims
  • Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) claims
  • Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA) claims

If you’re not sure if you have a maritime claim, a lawyer can help you determine if you have a case.

How Do I File a Maritime Claim?

If you’ve been injured in a maritime accident, the first step is to contact a maritime lawyer. A maritime lawyer will be able to review your case and help you determine if you have a claim.

If you do have a claim, your lawyer will help you file the necessary paperwork and represent you in court.

Filing a maritime claim can be complex, so it’s important to work with an experienced maritime lawyer. Your lawyer will guide you through the process and make sure that your rights are protected.

Hire a Maritime Law Professional Today

If you are searching for an experienced maritime lawyer, we can be of assistance. Barns Law Firm specializes in maritime law, maritime claims, and maritime injuries, and we help clients every day earn the compensation they deserve.

Our team of skilled and aggressive attorneys will fight on your behalf and will work around the clock to give you the best possible representation. To learn more about us and to schedule a consultation, please contact our team today.