3 Reasons for Hiring a Defense Base Act Attorney for Your DBA Claim

3 Reasons for Hiring a Defense Base Act Attorney for Your DBA Claim

May 25, 2023 | Defense Base Act

Have you suffered an injury while working as part of a government contract abroad? You’re not the only civilian in this situation.

Research shows that nearly three million work-related illnesses and injuries occurred in 2020. The most common types of injuries that overseas contractors experience include exposure to burn pits, psychiatric injuries, brain injuries, hearing injuries, and orthopedic injuries.

Fortunately, if you’ve been injured overseas, you can rely on a Defense Base Act attorney for your Defense Base Act, or DBA, claim to help to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. Here’s a rundown of three reasons for hiring a Defense Base Act attorney for your DBA claim.

Let’s dig in!

1. Proving You Have a Disability

One of the top reasons to hire an attorney for your DBA claim is to prove that you have a disability and are therefore entitled to receive DBA benefits.

Your case might involve a mental or physical disability that you’ve developed over time. However, you might not be certain that a work-related accident caused your disability.

This is where a DBA lawyer can help. This expert thoroughly understands the DBA and can therefore help you to gather the evidence you needed to support your case. They’ll be able to put all of these pieces together to demonstrate that your disability is work-related.

If you are successful, you may receive as much as 66% of your current weekly salary. 

2. Not Having to Pay Any Fees

Another top reason for hiring a Defense Base Act attorney for your DBA claim is that this move won’t cost you a penny.

You may be concerned that hiring a lawyer will cost you several hundred dollars per hour or that a win will cost you more than 33% of your settlement.

However, you don’t have to worry about these scenarios when you work with DBA attorneys. That’s because your employer’s insurer will most likely be the one responsible for your lawyer’s fees — not you. 

3. Losing Future Income

Finally, if you are concerned about losing your future income, hiring a Defense Base Act attorney may be a smart move.

You might have already received compensation from your employer for the loss of past wages and medical expenses through a settlement. But if you can no longer work due to your work-related injury overseas, a DBA lawyer can assist you in getting compensation for this, too. 

How Our Defense Attorney Can Help

A top reason to use a Defense Base Act attorney is to prove that you have an injury that qualifies you for DBA benefits.

Hiring a DBA lawyer may assist you in receiving compensation to cover your lost future income. In addition, what’s great about working with this type of lawyer is that you won’t have to pay any fees to use them.

At Barnes Law Firm, we take pride in offering high-quality DBA claim representation to civilian workers. Get in touch with us to learn more about our services, and schedule a free consultation today!